Delhi, 7.may.99 I sit down, and write my order (1 sweet lassi, 1 water) on the proffered pad. I take out pen and paper. The waiter collects the pad, glances at it, and disappears. I look out past one other table (at which sits a bald man with greying long hair, two days' peppered beard growth, and beige kurta (Indian-style shirt)) at the bright market street framed in the open storefront. A rickshaw drives past, its single passenger seat crowded with two Indian women, two stacked, twine-tied cardboard boxes, and enough plastic shopping bags to completely fill the rest of the available space. Now a young Indian boy walks into view from the left. He sees me looking out, and holds up one index finger: he wants a rupee. I smile and shake my head. He walks off, house right. An empty rickshaw, driver alert for fares, follows him across. My drinks arrive. A cow's head slowly emerges at the right of the storefront, but not the rest of the cow. It's stopped, and chewing contentedly. A man crosses left to right with a bicycle tire slung over his shoulder. Another man follows him at a short distance pushing a cart of mangoes. Now an empty rickshaw. Now a full rickshaw, two Indian men in back. A man on a moped, right to left, no helmet. A woman in a green sari with gold edging, holding an umbrella against the sun. Now a rickshaw -- all I can see of the passenger is a pair of plaid trousers, green on white. The cow edges a little bit farther into the frame, and stops again, still chewing. A pretty white girl in a white sundress glances in, then walks on. Another cow ambles past, and the first cow follows it out of sight. A man bicycles a cart loaded with blocks of ice in the other direction. Two men on a moped, with helmets, green and black. A group of three middle-aged pedestrian women, in varicolored saris. A balding man in a checked shirt and jeans. An empty rickshaw. Two rickshaws pass each other, jingling their bells. A man in a kurta saunters, rather than walks, across from right to left. A woman comes after him with a huge canvas sack on her head. Another woman now, with a baby, enters from the left. She stops outside. A moped zips by. An empty rickshaw cruises past. A white man in a sleeveless shirt and tattoos, with facial hair and piercings, eases along the street. The woman with the baby asks him for money as he passes. He ignores her. Now I see a man holding a bundle of bamboo poles on his head with both hands. A Seikh wearing tan clothes and a green turban crosses, his moustaches waxed and twirled. And empty rickshaw: right to left. The woman with the baby drifts out of sight. Two women in saris: left to right. A moped, going too fast to see the driver. An elderly white could in safari clothing. Two western-dressed Indian teenage girls. A moped comes from the left, a disappears to the right, without ever one letting up on its horn. An empty rickshaw. Now a full rickshaw. Now two Japanese tourists, followed by a slow-moving rickshaw trying for their business. A group of five well-dressed Indian men. Two teenage Seikhs, turbans tawny and black, respectively. A young girl, perhaps 8 or 9, carrying a monkey. And empty rickshaw. An Indian man and his daughter (I hope). The man at the table in front of mine stands up to pay. A "cool" young Indian man in clean jeans and a flashy T-shirt struts right to left. Now a rickshaw full of legs of various descriptions, followed by a man on a bicycle. A blonde white girl, not too short, not too cute. A man in blue denim carrying three black chickens with yellow feet and red combs. A boy carrying a bicycle. A Seikh in matching orange shirt and turban. A black-and-white cow eases in left and out right. A man carrying a bundle of long thin plastic pipe on his shoulder. A chubby red-haired middle-aged Indian man. A teenager with a 2-foot stack of collapsed cardboard boxes strapped to the back of his bicycle. A man pushing a cartful of peeled cucumbers. Another woman with a baby drifts by, looking around for a mark. Now an ancient woman in a black sari, her back stooped from a lifetime of carrying heavy things upon it. Two Korean girls (I think). A ten-year-old boy on a bike. An empty rickshaw. Two women in saris. Another empty rickshaw. be continuing...