Julia A. Stewart, CEO
International House of Pancakes Corporation
450 North Brand Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91203
Dear Ms. Stewart:
As a culture, it often seems that we undervalue the old.
We have so much to learn from them, from their insights and experiences,
and from the clarity of viewpoints that can only be the product of age.
In order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, it is necessary
that we learn the lessons which our elders have to teach; in order to
ensure repeating the successes of the past, it is necessary that we
heed the suggestions and advice which our elders have to share.
I was therefore shocked and surprised when I saw the sign
at your Amarillo, Texas restaurant (the one on Western Avenue) advertising
“Senior citizens: buy one get one free.” Besides the potentially
terrifying consideration of where you might be obtaining the elderly
people whom you are offering to give away, never have I seen such a
trivialization of the value of human lives, much less human lives endowed
with such a wide gamut of experience and wisdom. It is an outrage that
our preceeding generations should be cast about with such little regard
for their actual worth.
Not to mention impractical. Because their wisdom and experience
notwithstanding, it is a sad truth that the cost of caring for the elderly
has soared to incredible heights, especially considering the price of
prescription drugs nowadays; and while stewardship over one senior might
be a valuable and worthwhile endeavor, it seems to me that the care
of two aged persons would have to be an extravagant luxury few could
likely afford. Thus you are in a very real sense asking your customers
to accept a financial burden which only the rarest of them could maintain,
and which will therefore surely lead to an increase in these misbegotten
elderly being cast away, and left for our tax-under-funded social services
to cope with. For shame.
I understand that our modern culture, with its love of all things young
and new, bears the ultimate blame for making such devaluation of the
old into such good business. But please consider the responsibility
you as a company have to eschew such easy ventures for the sake of sound
morality. We should be teaching our youth that the old are to be revered
as the bearers of heritage, not given away as gimmicks of marketing.
I hope that you agree with me, at least enough to reconsider
your sales strategy. It might very well be you one day.
Optimistically yours,
Guy Petzall.

January 22, 2003
Dear Mr. Petzall:
I am responding to your recent letter regarding the advertising
banner at an IHOP location in Amarillo, Texas. I am grateful that you
were kind enough to take the time to point out how this sign might be
I have forwarded your letter and photograph to our regional
office in Dallas so they can provide the franchise owner with a recommendation
as to how the sign may be re-printed to better illustrate the special
Thank you again for taking the time to write.
Julia A. Stewart

Subway World Headquarters
325 Bic Drive
Millford Connecticut 06460
A few days ago, I was enjoying a sandwich in one of your restaurants
in Northern Chicago, when I noticed that the cup from which I was drinking
my soda had the words "25th Anniversary Celebration" printed on it.
I asked the man who had made my sandwich if Subway really was 25 years
old, and he said no, that it was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the
turkey sandwich. I pointed out that in my mind, the turkey sandwich
had been around since the days of the pilgrims, and he said, "No, not
that kind of turkey sandwich, the modern turkey sandwich." I still did
not understand, so he gave me your address for this inquiry.
Also, I was wondering two other things: how many Subway stores are
there now? And are there any outside of the United States? If so, are
they called Subway, or are they called, for example in Paris, France,
Le Metro? In London are they called Tube Stores? I was just curious.
I enjoy your food and hope to hear from you soon.
Guy Petzall

Guy Petzall
5758 South Kenwood
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you for your letter concerning your recent experience at SUBWAY.
Customers such as yourself provide valuable input which we use to improve
our operations.
Yes, SUBWAY is 25 years old! with over 5000 SUBWAY stores worldwide.
The information you received was incorrect and as you pointed out
the turkey has been around since the pilgrims, perhaps before.
We appreciate you taking the time to write and giving us the opportunity
to serve you. Hopefully, we can look forward to your patronage.
B. J. Sano
Guy Petzall
5758 South Henwood, Bsmt.
Chicago, IL 60637
Dear Guy:
Thank you for your recent letter. It is always
a pleasure to hear from loyal Jolt fans such as yourself.
Just recently (within the last 3 weeks), we
have added 5 new distributors for the Chicago-land area.. This is probably
why you were having such a hard time finding it locally. However, if
you contact the belqw distributor, they can give you the name of a local
store closest to you that carries our product. Even still, they may
sell you the cases themselves.
Farneti, Ltd.
930 West 138th Street
Riverdale, IL 60627
Contact: Stephen O'Neill - Sales Manager
Do not let the location of the distributor scare
you. They distribute Jolt in a number of counties around them. Anyone
answering the phone should be able to give you the correct information.
If you have any questions/problems, please contact
me. Sincerely,
Donna Bartoo
Administrative Marketing
The Jolt Company, Inc.
seems awfully calm to me, considering.

Kellogg Company
Alpha-Bits Division
P.O. Box 3599
Battle Creek, Michigan 49016
While pondering the meaning of Life cereal the other day, I realized
that I used to eat Alpha-Bits as a child, but that I no longer do. Upon
a little further introspection, I eventually came to understand exactly
what caused my decreasing interest in your product.
I realized that the reason Alpha-Bits is so popular with children
is that they are learning to read and can therefore use your cereal
to form new words in their cereal bowls. Most adults, however, are not
so interested in isolated words; our thoughts and ideas are more complex,
more mature. We need complete sentences to express them.
And what makes the key difference between words and sentences? Punctuation
Punctuation combines groups of ideas together into a unified meaning
It makes the difference between disjointed concepts and complete fluid
prose It is what adults miss in Alpha-Bits and with that in mind I figure
that if you were to include small sealed packets of punctuation marks
in your boxes of cereal more adults would find Alpha-Bits more fun and
useful and you would sell more cereal. Period.
While I have your attention, I want to make one further observation/suggestion.
I asked my friend Geoff to count all the letters in a box of Alpha-Bits
cereal, and although he got tired of it and threw it away before he
finished the entire box, he did count quite a bit of it. In all the
hundreds of letters he tallied, he encountered not one single letter
Of course, the box I gave him may not accurately represent the vast
number of boxes you produce, but this happened nonetheless, and I just
want to stress that the letter distribution in your cereal boxes should
more closely approximate the letter frequencies of the language of whatever
culture you are selling to. Thr's vry littl on can asily writ in our
languag in trms of splling without th lttr . It is a vry usful lttr
in narly vry nglish sntnce. And also I think that without the E, it's
hard to make MONEY, which it seems every enterprise needs to succeed.
Without punctuation and E's, I couldn't even write you this letter.
Please consider including them in future boxes of Alpha-Bits. The rest
of America is just waiting to be Alpha-Bit-ized.
Hopefully helpfully,
Guy Petzall.

February 11, 1993
Mr. Guy Petzall
2543 N. Belden
Chicago, II 60647
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you for your interest in Kellogg Company.
We are returning your letter. The item you mentioned is not one of
our products.
Thank you again for contacting us. Consumer satisfaction is important
to us.
Lori S. Truex Consomer Affairs Department
so I goofed.

...but if at first you don't succeed...

March 23, 1993
Mr. Guy Petzall
1949 W. Henderson #2
Chicago, IL 60657
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you very much for contacting us about POST® ALPHA~BITS®
Letter Shaped Sweetened Oat & Corn Cereal.
We were sorry to hear that your box of ALPHA-BITS® did not contain
an even assortment of letters. We do try to see that each letter of
the alphabet will be equally present.
In manufacturing this unique product, a large metal mold, similar
to a giant cookie press, is used. On the mold is a hole for each letter
of the alphabet; all letters are formed. Once the letters are formed,
the cereal continues through many processing steps. Because of the complex
procedure, it is not always possible to keep the full set of letters
We appreciate your interest and hope you will continue to use and
enjoy POST® Cereals. As an expression of our thanks for your comments,
we'd like you to accept the enclosed coupon. Please don't hesitate to
call or write again if you have any other questions.
Sandra Norris

Fred L. Turner, CEO
McDonald's Corporation
One McDonald Plaza
Oak Brook, Illinois 60521
Dear Sir,
As an American, I have been inundated since my youth with your ultra-fast
food, your ubiquitous Golden Arches, and of course your far-reaching
advertising campaigns. I have suffered numerous Big Mac attacks; I have
crawled for miles on shredded, bloody knees for an order of your fries;
I have given serious thought to exactly what it is that makes your special
sauce do darn special; and in general I have always considered your
restaurants to be a source of nothing but good feelings and gourmet
fast food.
There is, however, one aspect of your widely distributed and apparently
wildly successful advertising strategy which has continued to perplex
me over the years. It involves your McDonaldland characters. You see,
the majority of the residents of McDonaldland seem to make some sort
of sense: Mayor McCheese is a cheeseburger, the Hamburglar is obviously
a hamburger, and the Fry Guys can be nothing but your delicious french
fries. And it is the apparent logic behind these characters which makes
even more apparent the unclear nature of that lovable, huggable purple
blob, Grimace.
What is Grimace? How did he get into McDonaldland, and why has he
been allowed to stay there? Grimace puzzles me for two reasons: firstly
because he is neither an apparent representative of any food that you
serve nor does he seem to perform any other important social function
as a McDonaldland citizen, and also because his name implies some form
of pain, in that a grimace is, according to Webster's New Collegiate
Dictionary, "a facial expression usually of disgust or disapproval."
Does that seem like sound advertising to you?
I have asked several McDonald's store managers what purpose they suppose
that Grimace serves, and I have received a variety of answers, none
of them very satisfying. One manager told me that grimace is a shake.
But you don't serve purple shakes, and besides, where is his cup and
straw? Another told me that Grimace represents a grape. This strikes
me as ridiculous. The closest I think I have gotten to the truth came
from the manager who told me that Grimace is "just Grimace," which leaves
me with my original question: what is Grimace for and why is he there?
What advertising genius decided that there needed to be a nebulous purple
tumor as a permanent resident of McDonaldland, and why has he been permitted
to remain there for so long?
So finally I decided to write you directly and ask. Please respond,
because I won't be able to sleep well until you do.
Thank you for your time.
Guy Petzall.
August 21, 1992
Mr. Guy Petzall
57, rue Montcalm
75018 Paris, France
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you for writing to our senior chairman, Fred Turner. He asked
me to respond to your letter. Customer feedback is very important to
us, and for that reason, we apologize for the delay in responding.
You ask some very good questions about Grimace, a big fuzzy, purple
fellow who lives in McDonaldland. I'll try to clarify your confusion
with the following explanation.
when Grimace first emerged from his cave and confronted the other
citizens of McDonaldland, he expected them to be frightened of him.
The opposite turned out to be true. No other character in McDonaldland
is more beloved, especially by the children who visit McDonaldland from
time to time. While initially conceived as a character representing
McDonald's shakes. Grimace has transcended his role and is now seen
as Ronald's right hand man and closest friend. He still, though, retains
his love of shakes.
Grimace is none-too-bright, but he is affectionate. He occasionally
causes minor problems in McDonaldland because of his clumsiness and
perpetual confusion. But these problems are generously overlooked by
his many friends.
The Grimace walks with a rolling gait. His voice resembles that of
Charlie McCarthy's friend from the country, Mortimer Snerd. He is, however,
sweet and harmless.
I hope the above information is helpful in understanding Grimace.
We certainly appreciate your interest in McDonald's. As a loyal customer,
we're delighted to enclose~a few ngoodies,fl in appreciation of writing.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us. Sincerely,
Nancy J. Manypenny
Senior Representative
Customer Relations

Just a note on the power of the Golden Arches: this letter
made it to Paris on a 29-cent stamp. (I bet the coupons'd work in Paris
M.J. Gordon, Prseident
Tootsie Roll
7401 Cicero Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60629
I have eaten Tootsie Rolls since I was a little kid, and although
I don't eat them quite so often as I once did, I do still indulge from
time to time. But in spite of my long experience with your product,
there remains one question which I am unable to answer: What are Tootsie
Rolls made of? Neither the flavor nor the substance reminds me of anything
else I have tasted in my lifetime. They're chocolatey, but not chocolate.
They're gummy, but not gum. They fit into no food group that I know
of, yet I have always just accepted them as food, and now that I am
a few years older and have gained a little perspective on it, I have
to ask: what is this stuff I've been eating all my life? I certainly
wouldn't stop eating Tootsie Rolls by any means, even if they were made
out of gross chemicals, so please feel free to answer my question honestly.
I just want to know.
There is also another, more delicate issue I want to bring up with
you. Your product is called "Tootsie Rolls." Why is that? Where does
that name come from? The reason I ask, frankly, is that the word "tootsie"
is a sort of polite slang word meaning buttocks, and from the point
of view of a young child (around whom people often use the polite forms
of slang words (and who are your primary market)), a "Tootsie Roll"
conceptually translates to a "butt-roll," i.e. a piece of feces, a theory
which the candy's physical appearance vaguely confirms. Of course, no
one thinks that your product is actually feces, but you must
realize that children being children, they do joke about it. I certainly
don't suggest that you change your famous name, I'm just curious about
its origin.
Honestly sincerely,
Guy Petzall.

June 17, 1994
Mr. Guy Petzall
1949 Henderson
Chicago, Illinois 60657
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you for your letter regarding our Tootsie Rolls.
We are sending you a photocopy of our Tootsie Roll Midgee bag which
has printed on it our list of ingredients as well as nutritional information.
We are also sending you a copy of our company history, which tells
of the origin of Tootsie Roll and the Tootsie Roll name. We hope you
will find it informative as well as entertaining.
We hope you will continue to enjoy our products for many years to
come. Thanks again for writing.
Janet M. Vasilenko
Consumer Relations

I don't believe
their story... I'm not even sure I believe their ingredient list...

Non-Better Liquor Store
1955 West Armitage Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60622-1026
Hello. My name is Guy Petzall. I live in Chicago and was driving around
the other night when I saw your store.
I am writing to you because the sign in front of your store says,
"Non-Better Liquor Store."
In English, the prefix "non-" serves to negate the meaning of the
following root word, in this case "better." Thus, your sign "Non-Better
Liquor Store" means "[the opposite of better] Liquor Store," or more
simply, "Worse Liquor Store." This is hardly complimentary.
I suspect that you intended the sign to say "None Better Liquor Store,"
and it's true that you got it almost correct, but that one letter E
on the end of "none" certainly makes a world of difference.
I don't want to offend you in any way. I'm sure it was an honest mistake,
and that you will want to correct it when you realize the truth of my
advice. I just thought that you would want to know the true meaning
of what you were advertising so that you could take steps to prevent
this from hurting your future business.
With all due respect,
Guy Petzall.

Non-Better Liquor Store
1955 West Armitage Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60622-1026
Hello there.
I hope you remember me.
I recently sent you a letter, alerting you to the unfortunate syntactical
error inherent in your name, "Non-Better Liquors."
In the weeks since I informed you of this problem, I have realized
an easy way for you to remedy it, a solution which would not require
the costly expense of adding an "e" to the word "non" in your sign.
My suggestion is this: take out the second "n". Make the sign read "No
Better Liquors".
This would solve the whole problem, returnung the meaning of the intended
"None Better Liqours" to your current, rather derogatory, sign. "No
better" and "None Better" are synonyms, while "Non-better is antynomous
to them both.
Anyway, I just thought I'd drop you a note and let you know that I've
been thinking about you and your situation. I had the idea, thought
it could help you, and am only too happy to share it. I hope it does
you good.
Good luck.
Guy Petzall.

They kept ignoring me. Soon, one by one, the lights inside
the letters started going out. At one point, the lit part of the sign
read "No Beer Liquor Store". Finally, they went under. The building
was later demolished.

Morton Salt
100 North Riverside Plaza
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Living in Chicago, I have often seen your large-roofed salt factory
next to the Dan Ryan Expressway, and I have as often considered what
good advertising it is. The huge letters bearing your name and logo,
and the giant little girl with the sprawling umbrella, already deeply
entrenched cultural icons, stand out boldly and effectively, catching
the eye of every driver on the highway. These are images and ideas I've
encountered all my life, and I am profoundly grateful for their stability.
But now it's winter time, and your roof is covered with snow. This
causes me some degree of dismay, partly because I felt so glad to see
those comforting familiar images every day, but mostly because I don't
understand why the snow is there. Of all the companies in Chicago, you
should be the most capable of dealing with snow. After all, you are
THE salt people, the salt of Chicago if not the earth, and that's all
it would take to get rid of the snow: good old no-frills NaCl.
Just spread some around on your roof, as though it were a huge tasteless
mass of grits, and allow the words and picture to come through, the
true flavor of the building. This would help us both: you'd get back
your advertising really cheaply that way, and I wouldn't be a wreck
by the time I got home, worrying and stewing over why you of all the
companies in Chicago can't control the snow which engulfs us all. I
guess that when it rains it pours, but when it snows it doesn't. Please
consider the snow removal options which are entirely at your disposal.
Pour on the Morton salt and spice up everybody's life.
Curious and anxious,
Guy Petzall.

February 18, 1993
Guy Petzall
1949 West Henderson St. #2
Chicago, IL 60657-2016
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you for your recent letter.
In anawet to your question, please note that due to the slope. and
height of our building's roof, we consider it too risky to have our
employees climb the roof to remove snow. The roof's design holds the
weight of the snow safely so there is no danger of collapse and we find
the sun melting the snow is the safest and best method of snow removal
in this case.
We appreciate your suggestions and interest in our company.
Rose Ayoubi
Consumer Affairs

Mr. Scott McWhinnie, Pezident
PEZ Candy, Inc.
35 Prindle Hill Road
Orange, Connecticut 06477
Dear Sir,
I don't mind that you change the designs of the PEZ dispensers without
notice, or that you refuse to discuss strategic PEZ planning with the
world and your collectors and fans. That's your business and it doesn't
bother me. Nor does it concern me that you don't sell chocolate, peppermint,
or cherry PEZ anymore. I rarely eat the stuff, opting rather to simply
collect the dispensers. BUT, when you replace a perfectly good dispenser
design with an inferior model, I think that is going a little too far.
You did this once before, when you discontinued the rubber-headed
Batman dispenser in favor of the hard plastic Batman. And that time
I didn't complain; the plastic dispenser serves its purpose, in a strictly
utilitarian way, as well as the rubber version. But yesterday I went
out and purchased three dispensers I didn't already have: Goofy with
a green hat, a yellow truck, and a blue truck. It is with the trucks
that I find a problem.
You see, I have some old
truck dispensers from five or six years back, and I like them very much.
They, like the trucks I bought yesterday, have wheels both under the
cab as well as along the body of the dispenser itself. But the difference
between my old truck dispensers and the new ones is that on the old
ones, the wheels move. They actually rotate, allowing me to put the
dispenser on a flat surface, give it a little push, and watch it roll
along. The new dispensers, however, have molded-plastic wheels and axles
which are completely immobile. Where's the fun in that? The truck doesn't
roll when I push it, it skids -- and often fishtails as well. It's a
dud toy and a dangerous vehicle, and what's more important, represents
a distinct and noticeable decrease in the quality of your product, which
I think is a bad policy not only in terms of consumer satisfaction,
but marketing as well.
Other than that, I really don't have much to say. Just please consider
what message you are sending to your loyal collectors when you lower
the standards of your products. For years the PEZ industry has been
on a roll. I hope it doesn't hit the skids now because of such policies.
That would really be a shame.
Thank you for your time.
Guy Petzall.

12, 1993
Mr. Guy Penall
1949 West Henderson #2
Chicago, IL 60657
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Please be advised that the change to our truck dispensers is actually
a product improvement which cost a significant amount of money to make
the mold changes and increased the actual per unit cost of each dispenser.
The change was made as part of our long and consistent policy of product
improvement, in this case to improve the safety of the dispensers
and to be consistent with U.S. Federal Toy Safety Regulations.
The easily removed wheel/axle parts on the old truck dispensers could
he defined as a "small part" under the regulations which limit the size
of parts on children's toys to prevent choking.
Also, there are specific rules against potentially breakable axles
on toys which could be defined as "sharp points" under the regulations
whkh are designed to prevent puncture wounds on children.
We hope that the message this sends to parents is that we are very
concerned about their children's safety rather than the message to collectors
you suggest that we are lowering the standards of our products, have
a noticeable decrease in quality and a bad policy in terms of consumor
safisfac don and marketing.
If you looked at all of our PEZ Dispensers over time, you will note
an ongoing program of improvement in terms of quality and safety.
I would suggest that you think a little more about why a product is
chnaged or you ask a company why it was changed before you send such
a critical letter to any company in the future. Thanks for your interest
in PEZ.
Scott McWhinnie
i.e. tone is everything. But last I heard, puncture wounds
are a natural part of childhood. Why subvert tradition?

Ms. Barbi Rose, 2CR
Manager, Consumer Affairs
Continental Baking Company
Checkerboard Square
St. Louis, Missouri 63164
Dear Ms. Rose.....
I grew up with Hostess products. I spent my childhood surrounded by
Ding Dongs, Twinkies, Ho-Ho's, Cupcakes, and Chocodiles. But over the
past few years and in quite a few stores I have been seeing something
very disturbing taking place, something about which I think you should
be made aware.
Ding Dongs are and have always been my favorite Hostess treat. In
the good old days, they were available in boxes of twelve, each always
individually wrapped in a square foil wrapper which could be rolled
into a ball and thrown at the person sitting across the table. It was
great. But it was not long of this world.
The first tragedy was a result of the advent of snack packages, i.e.
small paper envelopes containing only two Ding Dongs, both wrapperless.
I think that dispensing with the foil wrapper, regardless of cost considerations,
robs the Ding Dong of part of its essential character. I can't think
of Ding Dongs without thinking about their foil wrappers, but alas!
These wrappers are very conspicuously absent from the smaller packages.
But now, the travesty of the omitted foil is dwarfed in comparison
to the latest turn of events. I think you know what I'm talking about.
I refer to none other than the recent name change, which I think is
In my opinion, there is no food more aptly named than the Ding Dong.
Its shape, its texture, its personality all shout very clearly: DING
DONG! I always assumed that Ding Dongs were called Ding Dongs because
that's simply what they are, and that the choice of name was really
no choice at all. I always believed that Ding Dong was a onomatopoetic
name. I always supposed that such a sturdy piece of marketing would
never change.
But it has. For whatever reason, you have renamed Ding Dongs. King
Dons. And I think that this is a grave mistake. Ding Dong fits the
food so much better. And more than just being a part of the intrinsic
nature of the food, the name Ding Dong is so much more appealing and
memorable that King Don -- by a long shot. King Don brings to mind an
oily mafioso leader with a gaudy crown perched atop his oily mafioso
head. But Ding Dong...that name really rings a bell. In fact, it's part
of our vocabulary, part of conventional English. And it's so easy to
remember, so fun to say.
So please. Consider my pleas. Change the name back to Ding Dong, before
any further damage is done. You can leave off the foil wrappers if you
want to, just please restore the proper name. Thank you very much.
Shocked, but hopefully recovering due to my faith in the fact that
you will see the truth of my words and act accordingly,
Guy Petzall.

April 11, 1991
Mr. Guy Petzall
5758 South Kenwood Basement
Chicago, IL 60637
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you for your recent comments regarding the naming of our HOSTESS
King Dons Cake.
Many years ago, the HOSTESS product Ding Dongs Cake was introduced
with a bell as part of the advertising. So as not to confuse our product
with a competitor's product, in certain regions the name was changed
to King Dons, while in other areas the same product was called Big Wheels.
In the past, the original Ding Dongs Cake (with the bell) became Ding
Dongs Cakes (without the bell), King Dons, or Big Wheels, depending
upon the region.
In January 1987, our Marketing Department decided that in order to
have national continuity, one name for a product was necessary, and
the original Ding Dongs name was chosen.
This decision was short lived. In June 1987, the name King Dons was
added, for the same reason as explained previously, to avoid confusing
one product with a competitor's product which has a similar sounding
Your comments are appreciated and will be passed along to our Marketing
Department so that they may be aware of your opinion.
Barbara K. Rose
Manager of Consumer Affairs

Guy Petzall
POBox 579193
Chicago 60657
Michael Quinlan, CEO
McDonald's Corporation
One McDonald Plaza
Oak Brook, Illinois 60521
Dear Sir,
This is a letter of appreciation and congratulations. You see, I travel
all over the world, experiencing new cultures and places, trying new
foods, and generally living in a wide variety of environments. However,
such cultural immersions are not without their drawbacks, and at times
I feel a pressing need to be in a familiar environment, to live something
Iºve lived before and am comfortable with, to seek solace in the security
of an American atmosphere.
And often when that mood takes me, it takes me to McDonald's. Whether
I find myself in Indonesia or Indiana, Panama or Pennsylvania, I know
that regardless of the location, there is somewhere I can go, for dependably
consistent food, and dependably consistent surroundings. You provide
a great service in the stability of your restaurants around the world.
For me you represent so many positive aspects of the United States:
your restaurants are clean, the food is sanitary and reliable, everything
is created and presented with a commitment to a standard which, even
in the most squalid of cities, is upheld. In a sense, you are America's
most accessible ambassadors, exporting American values and integrity
to the world, presenting our traditions for the world to see and hopefully,
learn from.
And it seems to me that this is one of your big draws in foreign lands,
that the local people can come to you not only for a taste of American
food, but also for a taste of America itself, a place which for them
seems like Eden and the promised land compared to the hard lives of
so many less developed countries' peoples. You sell a haven of American
culture to those who are fed up with their own.
But even knowing this, until I ate in the McDonald's restaurant which
adjoins the Jakarta airport, I had no idea how thorough a job you had
done. For there, I learned that not only do you present the advancement
and modernization of today's America, you also promulgate older facets
of our noble homeland's historical way of life.
For in that McDonald's, I saw a pair of wall displays, colorful installations
featuring Ronald McDonald in situations I had net ever considered that
you might make known abroad. The first, which adorns the wall next to
the ordering counter, shows Ronald in an African setting, tropical with
palm trees and sand, being presented with a wealth of your delicious
food by a string of big-lipped, slope-headed black African tribesmen
in traditional garb. They seem delighted by their task, to deliver something
of such value to someone so great, a feeling which contagiously infects
the people in your restaurant, making them feel like nobility with their
own Big Macs and filet-o-fishes on their trays in front of them. The
other painting, filling the wall over the central dining area, again
depicts Ronald, only now in Egypt, where again a coffle of Pharaoh-dressed
slaves hold their trays high in service to their white-faced, red-lipped
lord. Tremendous.
Because letºs face it: part of what McDonald's does is not merely
cultural exportation, but also cultural conquest, in the most benign
sense of the word. You hold up an example to learn from, and, without
direct force, allow other cultures to take from it, incorporating elements
of our highly successful way of life into their own. And those two murals
serve as a perfect example of this, in that those who see it can either
choose to recognize that America, although it later banned the practice,
was in part built by slaves who did a great deal of work to make us
into the superpower that we now are; or to recognize that by eating
in your restaurant, they become the overlords, benefiting from the labor
of others, so different from many of their daily lives as underclass
citizens in a third-world country. It had American values stamped all
over it: the historical value of slavery, plus the right to choose how
to interpret it, and I cannot help but think that the people who frequent
that restaurant leave feeling good about themselves, about your company,
and about America.
Although I do not travel with a camera, I was fortunate enough to
have my friend Rick along with me during that particular meal. He photographed
these McLandscapes at my request, which pictures I am enclosing for
your enjoyment. I'm sorry the photos aren't better, but we were on our
way to Singapore and were hurried to catch your plane.
Again, thank you for providing me with so many tastes of home on my
adventures overseas, and Iºm sure I will see you soon, somewhere in
the world, wherever I see the Golden Arches looming in the distance,
beckoning me to an island of civilization amid savage and undeveloped
Keep up the good work. You are truly masters at what you do.
Guy Petzall.

Surprisingly enough, they didnít write me back claiming
ignorance and trying to weasel out of it... And so, I try again:

McDonald's Corporation
One McDonald Plaza
Oak Brook, Illinois 60521
It was with a mixture of excitement and curiosity that I recently discovered
the immigration of a new citizen to McDonaldland. For not only has that
magical place ever brought to my mind sparkling images of a fantastic
Eden beyond the wildest pale of any other nation, it has also meant
to me a land continuously populated with only the friendliest, cheeriest,
most delicious inhabitants imaginable. I had always attributed this
remarkable demographic reality to the wisdom of the McDonaldland Immigration
Authority, which only occasionally through the years has seen in some
few applicants worthy material for acceptance into the Elysian paradise
they sought. In keeping with their high caliber of character and proving
the aptitude of the powers which hold the keys to the twin-arched, golden
gates leading into that Idyllic wonderland, each of McDonaldland's residents
has become immediately and essentially integrated into its society,
performing some vital if not noble function and living toward the greater
welfare of his new homeland and of the world. With all this in mind,
you can see how eager I was to learn all about McDonaldland's newest
inductee: "Iam Hungry, V.P. of Snacking."
At the risk of sounding patronizing, I feel I should here interpose
the recollection of another letter I once wrote to you, a letter questioning
the very mechanisms of McDonaldland Immigration and Naturalization which
I have just finished praising. It concerned the wisdom of allowing the
Grimace passage across McDonaldland's well-patrolled frontier, and was
met with a response from you of such eloquence of praise for that huggable
purple fellow that I could not help but feel shame at ever second-guessing
your judgement.
But alas, I find myself again in the regrettable position of harboring
such doubts, and so again come respectfully to you for guidance. You
see, I simply don't understand what business such a corporate-minded
individual as Mr. Hungry could have in a land so harmonious and successful.
The McDonaldland Ministry of Snacking has ever amazed me in its previous
utopian form, unneedful of any restructuring, and certainly not requiring
an "aggressive, demanding, edgy and outrageous fuzz ball" of a Vice-President
without any evident President to report to. Why then has he been granted
asylum within the very fortress of fast food heaven?
Moreover, my usual suspicion of corporate types in general is further
excited by his unlikely name. For after consulting a wide catalogue
of baby-naming reference manuals, I can find no ethnic or linguistic
antecedent for the name Iam. If such is indeed his real name (which
I strongly doubt), it may be that he comes from a radical-leaning background,
irreverent towards the customs and rules which enable peaceful society,
and could, perhaps, harbor a rebellious spirit. He should be carefully
watched, I think. The last thing McDonaldland needs is a freethinking
upstart as a high-ranking member of government.
I hope these reservations as to Mr. Hungry's character are taken by
you not as criticism, but rather as support and concern for the general
good of a sovereign nation that is indeed so generally good, a "citty
on a hill" from which out troubled world can learn so much. And since
Mayor McCheese seems to have his hands full with the Hamburglar (another
miscreant), I hope you'll let me offer you my services to aid in surveillance
of this new Vice-President of Snacking. I feel wholly appropriate to
the task, since, although this letter's superscription may indicate
differently, my true name (usually concealed for personal reasons) is
Richard McMuff, and I embrace a deep, passionate love for your Sausage
McMuffins. Without plunging deeper into that topic, I hope you will
agree that in this my true persona I can rub elbows with the McDonaldland
society while arousing not the least suspicion as to my true mission,
all the while espousing the merits of that sizzling pork sausage sandwiched
between those lusciously soft English buns which I so continuously crave
and adore. Ronald will be sure to enjoy the company of a fellow citizen
of Irish descent, thus providing a cover for me to make my confidential
reports, and to legitimize the process, please find enclosed my application
for a visa.
I truly hope that nothing is amiss, and that my offer is revealed to
be wholly unnecessary. If you choose not to employ me, I hope you will
see fit to explain your policy regarding Mr. Hungry and his character.
Iam Hungry for more information about him, to soothe my anxious heart.
Thank you for everything,
(especially the Sausage McMuffins),
and as always I remain
Guy Petzall
(a.k.a. Richard McMuff)

May07, 1999
Mr. Guy Petzall
P0 Box 579193
Chioago, IL 60657-9193
Dear Mr. Petzall:
Thank you for writing McDonald's and for your interest in lam Hungry.
I appreciate this opportunity to respond to your letter.
lam Hungry is a part of the MoDonaldland gang. His appetite comes
in handy when Ronald needs things cleaned up in a hurry (like cleaning
off a marshmallowed, chocolate-sauced, sprinkle-covered spaceship).
lam Hungry is an outrageous fuzzball who's all appetite.. especially
for McDonald's food.
If Ronald's holding a bag of burgers, lam Hungry will chase him all
over the place trying to get some for himself. If Grimace is enjoying
some McDonald's fries, he's going to hear "lam Hungry.. .gimme food"
over and over 'til he hands some to the little green guy with the big
Again, thanks for thinking of lam Hungry. Please use the enclosed
"Be Our Guest" cards on your next visit to one of our restaurants. We
look forward to serving you for many years to come.
Kathy Dowsek
Senior Representative
Customer Satisfaction Department
Enclosure 1: Breakfast Sandwich "Be Our Guest" cards (2)
Iam still sounds like a pest to me... and they send me
coupons for EGG McMuffins?! How insulting!